
00s 121 1990 1990s 1991 1992 1993 1994 1999 199? 2000DS 2000s 2003 2005 31st March 1990 4 hosemen 90's A.F.A Benefit Active Minds Aftermath All Flags Burn Archbishop Kebab Art Back To The Planet Bacon Factory Benefit Black Women's Centre Blaggers Blaggers I.T.A Book Born Against Boxed in Break Inn Brixron Brixton Brixton Dole House Bryan Wilson and The Sounds Of The Earth Bug Central Bzigueuleuschmeuldeu Bzigueuleusmeulde Cafe Camberwell Canterbury Arms Cider Woman Citizen Fish Coitus Cop Car Pile Up Cowboy Killers Crisis DOwnfall Dancehall Dawson Dead Dog Mountain Deptford Dik Ugly Ensemble Dirty Picture Disco Disruptive Element Dr Burnheart Gloss Drum'n'Bass E8 Ed Case Elephant and Castle Eltham Everyone Exodus Families Festival Fleshies Food France Freaks Union Free Gertrude Grafitti Hackney Haggerston Happy Jax Hardcore Hell House Hell Krusher Homage Freaks Homeless Housing Iowaska Italy Kennington Less London Lord Cecil Pub Luton M.T.A. Me Mitch Buchanan Naples New Cross Nomadix Roots Nutrix Occupation Oi Polloi Old Queens Head One By One Painting Palestine Benefit Panel Of Judges Paradox Shuffle Paris Parkaj Mental Party Pichless Pig Ignorance Pitchfork Skyscraper Pizza Place De La Reunion Police Bust. Politicide Poll Tax Poll Tax Demonstration Poll Tax Prisonners Benefit Poll Tax Riot Poster Priory Grove Propaganda Purple Fluorescent Ganja Tree RDF Rave Rectify Reknaw Riot S.K.A.M. Sexy Rubber Sole Showpan Sick Of It All Squat St Agnes Place Stockwell Suicidal Supermarket Trolleys The Astronauts The Den The Ice Cream Men The Icemen The Leeches The Motion The Occupiers The Old School The Sea The Stockwell Hole The Void Tien A Ment Totentanz Travellers Trencher Tulse Hill UK Under The Gun Vauxhall Warehouse Whitechapel Yard You Zounds apatia no bank co-creators collaboration eviction fin de siecle free parties gig insex international Pizza Punk Day map pub streetart the fleshies the flying headbutts the honkies

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Stockwell Hole January 2013

I missed a fair few pieces that month would be my guess due to being away (nope, nowhere hot and sunny unfortunately).
Here is what I caught anyway.

more graffiti after the jump

Saturday, 9 February 2013

December paint in Stockwell 2012

Woohoo, was I slow on this one or what.
Anyway, here are the snaps I managed to catch last December, I have probably missed a fair few with being away and all that but still there is plenty to feastg your eyes on so here they are:

 more after  the jump

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Magic Roundabout, Ealing 90s

I know/remember nothing whatsoever about this one.
Enlighten me if you can.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Some pub gigs flyers 90s

With the infamous  11th International Dental Congress (who came 2nd in an NME worst band name list, the name being the first non musical event ever to take place a t the Royal Albert Hall in London (trivia trivia trivia))
 List of gigs at the George Canning in Brixton (nowadays the Hootananny)
 At the monarch pub in Camden

Monday, 4 February 2013

Cool Tan Dole House late summer 1995

Housed in the old Brixton dole office Cool Tan Arts (who took their name from their first squatted venue up on Effra Road) did a great job of running this inclusive community squat come venue from late 1992 until their eviction around late September 1995. This involved a lot moire than just great parties, regular cafe nights were on and a lot of militant/activist stuff too.
You can read more on its history on Urban 75
Here's 3 flyers that have come my way from the final parties.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Saint Agnes Place

St Agnes place was a (partially) squatted street in Kennington SE11 from 1971ish until November 30th 2005.
In that time it housed and provided refuge for 100s of people from various walks of life.
It had 2 yards where travellers could come and park and was also home to a Rasta community (see third image).
It has now been replaced by wastelands of rubble surrounded by metal grills.