
00s 121 1990 1990s 1991 1992 1993 1994 1999 199? 2000DS 2000s 2003 2005 31st March 1990 4 hosemen 90's A.F.A Benefit Active Minds Aftermath All Flags Burn Archbishop Kebab Art Back To The Planet Bacon Factory Benefit Black Women's Centre Blaggers Blaggers I.T.A Book Born Against Boxed in Break Inn Brixron Brixton Brixton Dole House Bryan Wilson and The Sounds Of The Earth Bug Central Bzigueuleuschmeuldeu Bzigueuleusmeulde Cafe Camberwell Canterbury Arms Cider Woman Citizen Fish Coitus Cop Car Pile Up Cowboy Killers Crisis DOwnfall Dancehall Dawson Dead Dog Mountain Deptford Dik Ugly Ensemble Dirty Picture Disco Disruptive Element Dr Burnheart Gloss Drum'n'Bass E8 Ed Case Elephant and Castle Eltham Everyone Exodus Families Festival Fleshies Food France Freaks Union Free Gertrude Grafitti Hackney Haggerston Happy Jax Hardcore Hell House Hell Krusher Homage Freaks Homeless Housing Iowaska Italy Kennington Less London Lord Cecil Pub Luton M.T.A. Me Mitch Buchanan Naples New Cross Nomadix Roots Nutrix Occupation Oi Polloi Old Queens Head One By One Painting Palestine Benefit Panel Of Judges Paradox Shuffle Paris Parkaj Mental Party Pichless Pig Ignorance Pitchfork Skyscraper Pizza Place De La Reunion Police Bust. Politicide Poll Tax Poll Tax Demonstration Poll Tax Prisonners Benefit Poll Tax Riot Poster Priory Grove Propaganda Purple Fluorescent Ganja Tree RDF Rave Rectify Reknaw Riot S.K.A.M. Sexy Rubber Sole Showpan Sick Of It All Squat St Agnes Place Stockwell Suicidal Supermarket Trolleys The Astronauts The Den The Ice Cream Men The Icemen The Leeches The Motion The Occupiers The Old School The Sea The Stockwell Hole The Void Tien A Ment Totentanz Travellers Trencher Tulse Hill UK Under The Gun Vauxhall Warehouse Whitechapel Yard You Zounds apatia no bank co-creators collaboration eviction fin de siecle free parties gig insex international Pizza Punk Day map pub streetart the fleshies the flying headbutts the honkies

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

St Agnes Place Pictures

Some pictures post evictionm, while the destruction of this once thriving community was under way after the eviction which took place on November 29th 2005.
These would have been taken a few weeks after the eviction.
A thread about the eviction on the Urban75 boards.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Bzigueuleusmeleudeu 23-11-1990

I believe this was the first gig/party at the bzigueuleuscmeuleudeu (I doubt we actually spellt it the same twice tbh).
As pretty much all the events there it started with a cafe from 7pm onwards, and then the bands would start

Saturday, 23 July 2011


A new book about the free party scene in the 90s from this new press from Bristol.

From their release post:
A thousand-mile-an-hour rush through the loud and grimy corners of ()'s free party culture.

You can get it direct from their online shop or at one of the shops stocking it (only Bristol at the present time)

I'll be ordering mine as soon as I have some spare cash.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Bzigueuleusmeulde 03-11-1990

Benefit for Brixton poll tax "riot" prisoners:
I think this was the second benefit gig to happen there.
The place name should have been spelt "Bzigeuleuschmeuldeu" but

Saturday, 9 July 2011

The Old Yard, St Agnes Place

In the old yard at St Agnes Place.
Not the one in the corner but the other one that gave onto the bit of "common land" there behind the street.
I can't for the life of me

Friday, 8 July 2011

The Library, Wells Way ,Camberwell

This is probably 1992, not much to say except a hazy memory of a psychedelic fuelled great time.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Squats Paris January 1990

Door of Harry Roberts squat in Paris 20eme
Wall blocking access after the eviction of several families who were squatting on Place de la reunion in Paris 20eme.
Following this eviction a tent city was erected as a protest camp on the square in the middle of the place de la reunion and was occupied for several months while negotiations went on for rehousing of the families, I think this is when the D.A.L. association was created.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Solstice Rave - The Night School - December 1991

Solstice rave, this took place December 21st 1991 @ the Old school in Stockwell, I can't remember who played but we sure had a mega good time.
Please refresh my memory/correct me in the comments :)

Friday, 1 July 2011

Black Bull squatted pub 1992 to 1994

A squatted pub in Haggerston
Flyer for one of the caf nights.
I think they did have one or two gigs there maybe too but I can't be quite sure.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Cafe Illegal 1992

A cafe night at the 121 squatted bookshop come community centre, this was a benefit for people arrested at the battle of waterloo, which would date this as 1992

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Collaborative map of squats

So here you have a map of squats which is a collaborative effort I started on a drunken night a few years ago.
Anyone should be able to add squats they know or have known of, if you run into problems leave me a comment and I'll try and help. I might have to actually add you to the list of contributors (it might involve having a gmail account but I'm not 100% on that)

Monday, 20 June 2011

That Day In Trafalgar Square

First there were all the local demonstrations outside town halls all over the country which went from vocal to riots, and then came the big day, I only have 3 pictures left.
 This is around 4:30 pm according to this account and as far as I was concerned at the time this is when trouble erupted, i only found out later that trouble had actually already been going on for a while but me and

Friday, 17 June 2011

Gig February 8 1992, Kings Cross

Originally planned to happen at the squatted Coronet cinema in Mile End road next to the busted bank gig of the previous Saturday.

This was original flyer, after the bust of the previous week another venue had to be

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Free Party ed Case + More Tulse Hill 1992 or 3?

Hey ho:
I believe I went, and i cannot remember much

MZ/BZ Cafe 1990/1991

MZ/BZ cafe.
The door and section 6. Lots of raucous benefits cafs went on there mostly on Thursdays and not always ending in complete chaos.
Opposite my squat it was originally squatted "just because we could" as was still the case back in those days with the amount of empties that were around, a couple of people lived upstairs including Maya who was learning the violin at the time in a DIY manner IIRC.
It sat at

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


For some reason I kept getting these around 1992:
I don't think I actually followed it through and went, or maybe I did and just wasn't aware of it :)
Anyone with more info please give them to us in the comments.

Anti Rave Gig 01-02-1992, squatted bank Mile End Road, Whitechapel

Held in a squatted bank in whitechapel,

this was busted quite violently by police. One of several parties/gigs in squatted venues which were busted in typical shows of heavy handed police approach around that time

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

posters on Brixton railway bridge.

I'm still wondering who had put those up there:

They stayed for quite a while, on the railway bridge right outside Brxton tube station, sometime around 1989/1990

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Brixton Dole House

Before it became known as Cool Tan (the sequel...) it was known simply as it's formal occupational hazard.

 Flyer for the opening night

The Break Inn - 1991

Just at the start of Blackfriar's Bridge Road by St George Circus, this squatted pub was in the middle of the wasteland/wasteground that behind the facade of the old London Eye Hospital.

Many a fine night of excess was enjoyed by those who managed to find their way there.

Hell House Squat

On the borough road just off St George Circus near the Elephant and Castle.
The first party/gig there was on New Years Eve 1990 the organisation of which started at 7pm on that day after we'd been informed that the Bus Garage in Camberwell was being busted and evicted and was surrounded by police. It probably wasn't the snazziest of dos, but it went on, duly before midnight with bands and DJs going on through the night and into the wee hours of 1991.

more gig and parties ensued, one of which was rioted by the police.

Gigs at The Canterbury Arms

This would have been 1993 or 1994, I'd driven RDF from Edimburgh to Milton Keynes then driven home. Put my feet up for about 3 & a half minute before going to pick up the P.A. from the archduke Charles taking it to the pub, playing with my band then back to Milton Keynes to pick up RDF, to find out Chris had set sails already and my money was a wee bit short... all in all a pretty long after I'd dropped RDf back and had to go recollect the P.A.
More flyers after the jump:

Lady Flo 1992 1993

Here is a flyer from Lady Flo in Deptford/New Cross:

I cannot quite remember whether that was 1992 or 1993.
more flyers:

The Dutch House Free Festival, Eltham 1992

One afternoon free festival just at the start of a weird bit of nearly dual carriageway opposite a large pub called the Dutch House in Eltham. Summer of 1992.
The acid was very nice.

lap of luxury

Obviously living it up in the lap of luxury in the old Black Women Centre after it had been squatted on the corner of Stockwell road and Stockwell Green, a 15 seconds walk from the Old Queens Head and all its punk and hardcore gigs.

Bingo Bomb Squat, Brixton 1990

The ever so short lived Bingo Bomb squat in Brixton, it lasted all of about 4 hours after the "Official" opening before being illegally evicted by the police, a lot of the people inside at the time were on bail after the Trafalgar square poll tax riot and getting arrested was therefore not an option for them and the police were certainly not listening to any "you know that what you are doing is illegal" talk that particular day, I'm still unsure why this particular squat got this particular treatment, maybe because it was right in the centre of Brixton (opposite Sub-station just behind red records) it had a massive banner hanging out and people had been handing out tracts to the crowd of Saturday shoppers.

Exodus Festival-Rave 1999

late August or early September 1999, by the side of a motorway IIRC

Party 8th february 1992

Flyer Front:
Flyer back:

Flyers for the last ever party at The Night School: the one that never happened.
It got busted very early on in the evening.
In the chaos that ensued someone forgot to replace the fuse we'd borrowed from the (still active) school next door.
Therefore the electricity supply was promptly cut off on the following Monday morning ensuring no more events took place after that. But a good laugh was had that afternoon when they searched my room.

Now I can't quite remember if it was on the intervening Sunday that the local bunch of up to no good kids tried to set the building on fire or whether that had happened the week before, if anyone can enlighten me that'd be great.

Party 12th September 1992

I'm not even sure whether I made it to that or not...